Bat Control and Bat Removal

How to Identify and Remove Bats

The only mammals that can fly, bats have a negative stigma due to the diseases that they spread despite the fact that their presence can be beneficial. They regularly eat a number of pest insects, including mosquitoes, beetles, and moths. In general, bats are most problematic to property owners when they roost in attics, chimneys, porches, or under roof tiles or siding, and in these cases, proper bat removal is needed.


They have a unique appearance mainly identifiable by their wings that stretch from their hands to their bodies. They also have thumbs used for climbing and grasping food. Bats rely on echolocation to see in the dark and to find food at night while they forage for their next meal. Sound bounces off objects and returns to the typically large ears of bats allowing them to pinpoint their prey at a moment’s notice.


While some species of bat prefer to live and roost in wooded forest areas some prefer areas that are inhabited by people, which requires professional bat removal services. Human built structures often create the perfect roosting sites such as: attics, barns, churches, chimneys, and even behind siding. Bats will enter homes or yards in search of food, shelter, and roosting sites. Occasionally, they will rest in the eaves of homes between meals with no intention of staying long-term while others may be looking for a long term home. At times, bats may accidentally fly into buildings, which can cause stress and incite fear in both residents and pets.

Problems and Damage

Bats can cause some damage to buildings especially when found in larger colonies. A buildup of bat guano (feces) and urine in areas where bats roost can lead to structural issues and the possible collapse of ceilings caused by the corrosive nature of their waste as well as health hazards. Bats can carry rabies but also their droppings contain strains of Histoplasmosis, which affects the human respiratory system. Bats like all mammals can also host a variety of parasites such as ticks, fleas, and unique to them bat bugs. Bats enter homes through openings and gaps found near windows, doors, roof lines, and chimneys. Proper and humane bat control is needed to prevent bats from causing further damage to your home.

Bat Prevention and Bat Removal

While mechanical repellants may help, in order to prevent entry or re-entry, we must seal all holes big enough for bats to fly through with screens, caulk, or sheet metal. Large colonies of bats roosting on or within properties can become very problematic over time. In order to effectively and safely remove them, contact the trained bat control professionals at Witzend Wildlife Services for safe and humane bat removal services and exclusions.

If you need bat removal services for your home

Contact Witzend Wildlife Services today, or give us a call at (716) 982-3777.