Raccoon Control and Removal in Buffalo, NY

Raccoons are nocturnal animals that live through out North America. They are a highly adaptable species which allows them to thrive in almost every environment including urban and residential areas. They are considered nuisances not only due to their opportunistic feeding habits, which lead them to dig through garbage cans and destroy gardens but also their damage to structures while looking for suitable denning areas and their ability to spread disease.


These mammals are known for the distinct, black bandit-mask markings on their faces. They weigh anywhere from 10 to 30 pounds and growing up to 3 feet long, with long bushy tails. Raccoons have dense, grayish-brown fur, as well as a series of distinctive black rings on their tails.


Raccoons are omnivorous and opportunistic feeders meaning they will eat just about anything within their reach. Common meals include crayfish, frogs, turtles, fish, mice, insects, eggs, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whatever they can scavenge from carrion and trash piles. They often take advantage of vegetable gardens, unsecured garbage cans, pet food left outdoors or in the garage, and even bird feeders.


Forests, marshes, and wooded areas near human habitations are ideal habitats for raccoons. They prefer to live near a water source, such as a stream, lake, wetland area, or slow-moving river, but are highly adaptable and can thrive in just about any environment. They make dens in hollowed trees, rock crevices, attics, chimneys, and abandoned dens of other wildlife.

Problems and Damage

Wherever there are acceptable food sources, raccoons will set up denning sites. Residents may
inadvertently invite raccoons into their yards by leaving pet food outdoors overnight or not sealing trash
bins with lids which can lead to them denning on or near the property. When raccoons decide to den in attics, they can cause significant property damage. The animals tear up roofing and damage vents to gain entry. In addition to rabies, raccoons spread diseases and parasites like raccoon roundworm, tularemia, giardia, salmonellosis, and leptospirosis. They also destroy home gardens, birdfeeders, and make messes of trash cans and garbage bins.

Prevention and Exclusion

Contact the trained raccoon control specialists at Witzend Wildlife where we not only trap and remove the problem raccoon(s) but exclude their entry points to prevent entry or re-entry into your home.

If you need raccoon control services for your home

Contact Witzend Wildlife Services today, or give us a call at (716) 982-3777.