Hamburg, NY Bat Control

Bat Control and Bat Removal in Hamburg, NY

While bats do provide a variety of benefits, they can also be a nuisance if they live in or too close to your home. For all the insects that bats eat, they also spread disease, which can be particularly dangerous if you have small children or pets. If bats present a danger at your Hamburg, NY home and you need professional bat removal services that are quick and competitively priced, Witzend Wildlife Services is the solution you are looking for.

Where Bats Are Found

Most bats roost in trees, hanging upside down from them when they sleep. However, it isn't uncommon for bats to alternatively roost in attics, barns, garages, or even under the lip of your roof. When bats choose to roost in inhabited structures like this, you need bat control services to protect your family and pets.

Damage Caused by Bats

Disease isn't the only threat that arises when bats choose to roost in some portion of your Hamburg, NY home. Bat guano is an acidic substance that will slowly damage the wood of your house. Over time it can eat through your roof or through a support beam, potentially causing collapses or flooding. This is one of the primary reasons that bat removal from a professional company like Witzend Wildlife Services is essential when bats roost in your home.

Safe and Effective Bat Control Services

At Witzend Wildlife Services we have two main priorities with our bat removal services: removing bats safely and ensuring they don't return. In service of the first goal, we use bat control procedures that don't harm the bats and that aren't dangerous to people or other animals. As for the second goal, our trained professionals are experts at finding the entry holes that bats use to enter your home. We seal up these holes completely, preventing bats from ever returning.

Contact Us Today

If you own a home in Hamburg, NY that is infested with bats, you should get professional bat removal services as quickly as possible. Contact us today to start protecting your home and everyone living inside it from the dangers that bats present.