East Amherst, NY Bird Control and Bird Removal

Birds Can Be Hazardous to Your Home and Your Health

East Amherst, NY Bird ControlAlthough you probably like to hear the friendly chirping of birds around your home, they may leave behind some things that are not so friendly. Bird droppings contain a toxic fungus that can cause serious health problems in humans. If the problem is left unattended, bird droppings and nesting materials will take over vents, drain pipes, gutters and other areas of your house. If a vent, such as a dryer vent is blocked, a fire could result. Some birds, such as woodpeckers are notorious for causing damage to wood structures, which could include your house. Birds will take up residence anywhere they feel safe, which can include areas around your East Amherst home.

Deter Bird Activity Around Your Home

Birds that are known for being troublemakers include:

  • Pigeons
  • Owls
  • Woodpeckers
  • Doves
  • Gulls
  • Crows
  • Sparrows
  • Finches

While some of these birds are interesting to watch and can be pretty to look at, you probably don't want them roosting too close to your home.

One of the most effective ways to control the bird population around your home is to make your property unwelcoming to birds. Once birds identify your home as their favorite spot to live, it may be difficult for you to make them move on. You'll need the expert help of Witzend Wildlife. Our professionals employ methods to reduce the bird activity near your home so you can be free of the nuisance.

Get Professional Help

When you're dealing with birds around your home, you need to contact the professionals at Witzend Wildlife. You can rest assured knowing we have the knowledge and equipment to take care of your problem and rid your home of nuisance birds. We'll develop a bird removal plan to tackle your specific problem by first identifying the bird and taking the proper steps for bird removal.