East Amherst, NY Skunk Control and Removal

East Amherst, NY Skunk Removal & ControlSkunks are notorious animals known for their distinctive spraying of an odor consisting of oils and Sulfur compounds. Apart from their stench being nauseatingly strong and lasting, these animals have deadly accuracy, and their spraying, which comes from their anus, can reach up to 10 feet away and causes blindness and burning pain. Therefore, due to their odor and occasional digging, skunks are primarily classified as pests. In most cases, the complaints associated with skunks include spraying a nasty smell in the vicinity and on pets such as dogs, digging holes in the yard, and skunks living under the porch. Unfortunately, once they invade your compound, they can be hard to eliminate if you try to do it yourself. Therefore, if you are in East Amherst, it is best to have qualified skunk removal services to eliminate them efficiently.

Skunk Identification

Besides their defensive spraying tactic, skunks are generally recognized for their distinctive white stripes over a solid black body. Although the most known skunk is the one with white stripes, several other species live in the East Amherst, NY, area. They differ in the patterns on their backs, some having white spots or swirls on black fur. A skunk weighs between 4 and 10 pounds and is 24-30 inches long. In addition, they have small triangular heads, muscular legs with sharp claws, and long bodies. Their tails are long and bushy, characterized by varying stripes or patterns.

Skunk Control in Eden

Skunks are omnivorous and generally prefer any location that offers fruits, eggs, worms, berries, insects, and small animals. However, since skunks are opportunistic omnivores, they will eat anything from garden vegetables to spilled birdseed and garbage. Therefore, effective skunk control involves removing food sources around your compound and cleaning up any bird seed. In addition, getting rid of shelters such as dark woods and keeping your outdoors illuminated is helpful in skunk control efforts.

Eden, NY Skunk Removal Services

Although chemical repellents are available in the market to help with skunk removal, they are not as effective as skunk removal experts. Once you notice the presence of a skunk in your backyard, our skunk removal experts can get rid of them humanely without putting them in harm's way. In addition, when removing skunks, the experts will tightly screen active areas such as sheds and decks.

For skunk control and removal for your East Amherst, NY home, contact Witzend Wildlife Services or Call us at (716) 982-3777.